Do you like vaginal sex? Did it hurt like hell the first time? Every woman has the same story…
High school BF (college whatev) exploring and learning about sex together, you have complete trust in him. The two of you decide to try anal. He has no idea what he’s doing and butchers you.
That’s not sex, that’s what aliens do to people during an abduction. If you think 45 minutes trying to chase your convulsing body while extending my tongue to twice it’s length is comfortable, you’d be wrong. But I don’t complain.
Lastly, say “yes” to anal on one condition. Agree on a “marital aide” approx his size and he’s goes first. Odds are he backs off, but if he doesn’t, do together and try not to hurt each other. Maybe the whole experience will be fun and make you guys closer as opposed to what it’s doing now.