Fascinating perspective. Inaccurate and essentially a work of fiction, but it is fascinating.
I'm going to buttress this response with a quote by Travanian.
"Stereotypes are the best way to categorize a large group of people, however, they do not apply to individuals".
"The left wants criminals rewarded". Other than criminals, no one wants criminals rewarded. I'm left and I'm good with the death penalty. Donald Trump committed tax fraud and was the key to a group that tried to overthrow a democratically elected government. Those are crimes. Again, I'm left (I suppose, as defined by your stereotyping) and I want Trump to die in jail. I also want fair trials for the insurrectionists and for all of them to spend the appropriate amount of time in jail. I also want anyone caught bringing in large amounts of illegal drugs into the US to also be punished.
I'll score your first accusation a ZERO.
"The left wants high welfare and rewarding the lazy". I've worked consistently since I was 15, so through high school and college. I had three jobs my senior year of college. I ran a multimillion-dollar company by the time I was 31. From 23-37 I did not take an entire week off. I fired an intern (unpaid intern) once for being lazy. I'm going to link a piece I did last year I would like you to read as it may open your eyes a little as to how soft "lefties" are. Again, technically, I am left by your definitions.
2nd accusation - also a ZERO.
"Open borders without god". I don't believe in open borders, but I do feel that the northern border and the southern border pose the same scope of problems and the reason people obsess about the southern one is purely xenophobia. Below is a link to a page about the Canadian (White) gangster, Bacon Brothers. You need to take a look.
God? I believe in freedom of religion and our country is based on that. So you can believe whatever you want, but keep your Muslim Shria BS and your Christian BS to yourself as I live in the real world not a fantasyland some old book tells me I live in. I know a Mohammad and he owns a cigar store and likes to read, he's cool. I also know a Jesus, he's a busboy/barback at a local restaurant, hard-working also cool.
I'll give you a "1" here, because I'm technically godless. But I see that as a "plus 1" for society.
Personal freedoms are just that, "personal" and what makes the US a great concept is we allow you to be you. It's hypocritical to try and force your opinions, likes, wants, gods, or way of life down anyone else's throat. In fact, that is what you say you stand for, yet are attacking me (remember, I'm left so you are attacking me even though you also agree with much of what I stand for - thats called a "paradox") for trying to maintain the freedoms you say you stand for.
The piece I'd like you to read is below. I'm also adding one about how Ronald Reagan established the gun control laws we enjoy here in California. That's right, Ronald Reagan created the most restrictive gun laws in the US.