I am very aware of the history of the company. Well, what history they have allowed to leak and or put out as spin. Hence why I assume the decision was made to go to medium with the campaign to reduce the general hate directed at the company. However, a key person at the aforementioned company was both an extremely vocal supporter of a man who most contributors in Medium consider the devil and his policies.
If you do your research, (and I’m sure you do) you’ll notice no one had such fully formed opinions of the man (I use the word “man” satirically as he really is much more a “Little Bitch” than a “man”) who won the election fair and square in 2016. (cough)
Prior to 2016 most Americans had yet to realize the new administration was going to burn down the US economy, (increased the Fed debt by $6.7 trillion dollars even though unemployment was at a record low and the economy was doing well when he took over) endorsed and aided a foreign country to mislead Americans in an effort to steal the 2016 and 2020 elections, Allowed North Korea to establish itself as a nuclear player, helped Iran establish its previously defunct nuclear program, disembowel NATO, (seemingly at his financier’s request) waste $14billion (approx) trying to build (something stupider than his ill-fated Trump Moscow) a wall to keep out brown people on one side of the country, while ignoring the total lack of border acknowledgment on the otherside, Abandoning our longest held and most loyal allies in the middle east and allowing them to be slaughtered by a dictator, actively promoting racists and racism, single-handedly setting back our your grandchildren’s chances of having an inhabitable land to live in without being covered in skin cancer or having to fight Racoons for little bits of food while avoiding hurricanes that now hit US borders at a pace of near 2 a week all the while Gaslighting about all of it every time he opened his mouth. So that relationship wasn’t what most Americans knew about Palantir and its higher up.
Now it is.
Hell, I even supported the aggressive use of legal flimflammery to bring down a caustic website by the “Key Person” before 2016. but it’s important we have personal and corporate boundaries and I question if that’s something Palantir believes.
It has been said about another “Key Person” at Palantir, “If he took as much time to comb his hair as he has to rid the internet of negative stories about him, he’d be George Clooney”. While a funny comment, this also hyper-secretive person built the company on the back of CIA financing. If in fact Palantir is all about security and fighting corruption, it begs the question, “How did Russia interfere with the election in 2016 if they were on the case?” Especially while using a tool like Facebook to accomplish this? Is Palantir just bad at what they do or did they know and hid findings as “their guy” seemingly benefited?
From the Palantir website:
Palantir is a mission-focused company. Our team is dedicated to working for the common good and doing what’s right, in addition to being deeply passionate about building great software and a successful company.
The 2nd part of that sounds like Palantir is working on copier solutions or something, while the “doing what’s right” statement is a lot more menacing.
In summation, I stand by the “Trump lost, get the PR machine going” comment and look forward to deeper dialogue as we go down the rabbit hole chasing what Palantir has really done.