I just saved democracy and fixed America with a Medium post in less than a 1,000 words. I think you owe me a muffin basket.
I’ll bury the lead. The United States is broken. However, the US has one advantage over other countries. We change with impressive agility when we have to. Right now, we have to.
Trump has taught America the president has too much power. Executive orders MUST be rained in and no more immunity against criminal crimes, civil, OK, criminal — no. Our country was founded on accountability, and that needs to make a comeback. Those are a few obvious problems with obvious fixes.
OK, now let’s get to macro stuff.
Why do we still have a Senate? And don’t recite that “3 equal branches” bullshit to me. It was established so small states have equal power to big states at the federal level, which is why Idaho, North Dakota and Texas, California, and New York all have two Senators. Perhaps when growing apples were considered ‘the tech backbone of our economy.’ that played. Now without California, New York, and Texas, the rest of our country would be the Central African Republic. Combined, they are over 31% of the US GDP.
To put that in context, I have provided the 16th through 56th state/territory’s contribution, which approximately equals what CA, TX, and NY pay towards the Fed. That is 70 Senators (I think I have that right, some territories lack senators) voting on everything from Supreme court judges to HOW TAXES are assessed and distributed to political appointment confirmations. Again, supposed to support state’s rights, I feel like it currently does the opposite.
Ranking, State, Total GDP, % of the Fed GDP contributed by that state
16 Colorado 396,367 1.8%
17 Minnesota 385,907 1.8%
18 Tennessee 385,741 1.8%
19 Indiana 381,733 1.8%
20 Arizona 372,522 1.7%
21 Wisconsin 351,922 1.6%
22 Missouri 336,816 1.6%
23 Connecticut 288,985 1.3%
24 Louisiana 267,051 1.2%
25 Oregon 255,418 1.2%
26 South Carolina 249,958 1.2%
27 Alabama 234,054 1.1%
28 Kentucky 217,564 1.0%
29 Oklahoma 207,381 1.0%
30 Iowa 197,172 0.9%
31 Utah 192,013 0.9%
32 Nevada 180,406 0.8%
33 Kansas 175,703 0.8%
34 District of Columbia 148,231 0.7%
35 Arkansas 135,225 0.6%
36 Nebraska 129,098 0.6%
37 Mississippi 120,429 0.6%
38 New Mexico 105,263 0.5%
39 Puerto Rico 104,989 0.48%
40 Hawaii 98,536 0.5%
41 New Hampshire 89,836 0.4%
42 Idaho 82,265 0.4%
43 West Virginia 78,507 0.4%
44 Delaware 76,410 0.4%
45 Maine 68,441 0.3%
46 Rhode Island 64,441 0.3%
47 North Dakota 57,400 0.3%
48 Alaska 55,759 0.3%
49 South Dakota 54,057 0.3%
50 Montana 52,948 0.2%
51 Wyoming 39,794 0.2%
52 Vermont 35,271 0.2%
53 Guam 5,920 0.03%
54 U.S. Virgin Islands 3,855 0.02%
55 Northern Mariana Islands 1,323 0.006%
If a state like Arizona or Alabama wants to turn themselves into a killing field by selling any asshole military-grade weaponry, so be it. But then CA or (hypothetically) Indiana should be allowed to outlaw and prosecute illegal gun ownership how they see fit. I’m sure the Medium contingent from the great state of Michigan and their vibrant militia community hear what I’m saying.
Hate on CA all you want, but it’s undeniable that the welfare state known as the ‘defense industry’ is gone without California’s contributions.
I have a fix.
The sham known as the US Senate needs to be stripped down and become an appointed position that offers one representative from each state and only advisory and oversight responsibilities. Removing the ability to confirm but taking some of the oversight responsibilities of the Congress. No longer a blue or red senate (it will to a certain extent, but being removed from elections insulates them from the money they have to suck out of David Koch and George Soros’ cocks every few years.
OR you keep two senators (appointed by the governors), but they are all staggered. Four-year appointment staggered by another 4-year appointee every 2 years. AND, 1 term.
Congress. You want to fix this thing they will need to make a few changes — campaign finance reform. No one, entity, company, or otherwise may donate more than $5,000 per political cycle to any one candidate. You reform political ads and make the interweb adhere to FCC regulations. Super PACs can still exist, but they have the same financial constraints as campaigns.
Term limits. 2 terms and move on, period, end of discussion.
Ever notice the “Traffic fines in work area are doubled” signs? I think if you are elected to Congress, President, school super attendant (I LOVE this idea) or appointed to head anything at the state, Federal or country level, you fall under a ‘DOUBLE sentence’ mandate. We need our leaders to be MORE moral, less willing to break the laws than the rest of us. With great power comes great responsibility.
I literally just saved democracy.