Now that Trump lost, it goes one of two ways.
Historically the prevailing sentiment has been, “to put a president on trial will be too much for Americans to handle”.
Yeah… well after watching Malissa Carone display such suspicious insanity during the Michigan state legislature hearing last week while a COVID positive Rudy G tried to settle her down, I’d have to say we are about as far down the road to a breaking point as we can go without snapping in half. Link below if you missed this historic moment.
Almost 75 million Americans voted for Donald Trump. Keith Olberman categorized those 75,000,000 Americans this way, “To vote for him you have to be a racist, a fascist or very tolerant of both.”. Although I agree with that to a certain extent, we also have the Dunning-Kroger Effect.
The Dunning Kruger Effect:
What these individuals are experiencing is a cognitive bias called the Dunning-Kruger effect (DKE). Named after David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the two researchers who first described it in 1999, it is explained by Dr Dunning as a phenomenon in which “people suffering the most among their peers from ignorance or incompetence fail to recognise just how much they suffer from it.”
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(can’t recommend that article enough)
The above quote, from the above link (published in May, 2019) doesn’t even mention Trump, his followers or any of the batshit craziness we have navigated the last 4 years. In fact, it’s about DKE not destroying your business, nothing to do with the country. However, it ‘translates’ well.
I digress.
In the past few months, I have seen two different people use business philosophies I worry they learned from 45 in everyday situations. Both used really stupid logic and ignored advice that was in their best interest. Both people pushed forward headstrong and foolishly into situations they didn’t understand and felt it necessary to understand. Both burned otherwise very good opportunities to the ground as a result.
In both situations, I watched in horror as it unfolded. Maybe I’m extrapolating two unrelated events with a third, but I don’t think so. In both cases, I pulled the person aside (so as not to appear to call them out) and made my feelings as to their choices known. And in both cases, a wave of confident bravado knocked me over as they (both) asked me (1 directly, 1 indirectly) to be complicit in their little schemes. I have never seen anything like it.
That’s not correct. I have seen this type of behavior. The last 4 years. The reason you don’t leave your kids with sister in law (Betty) who starts drinking Vodka at 9:30 am, isn’t just because they smell like Marlboro Lights and Popov when they get home, it’s because you don’t want them influenced by all that.
We have all been locked in a house with Betty for 4 fucking years.
Out of ignorance, evil, negligence, or stupidity, we have 70+ million people who said, “I’m voting for Donald Trump” and what he stands for. Since even the fascists among us don’t say to themselves, “I want the US to move closer towards a fascist autocracy”, how do we change the direction?
Have you heard someone say, “If he paid that little in taxes legally, he’s just smarter”? With their own eyes they have seen him get away with so much, it must be OK for you to do the same shit. Think about it, half the young Americans are being raised with Donald Trump’s sense of morality as a cornerstone.
With all the idiotic Qanon bullshit, misdirection, and legal maneuvering it may be too late to change the course of this ship. Then again, I thought over 200,000 dead Americans from COVID was going to wake people up.
He has to be tried and (if found guilty) go to jail. Or he has to admit his guilt in open court to accept a very reduced sentence. History will need that moment to look back at and say, “He was a terrible president and we are lucky we survived.” The alternative is we become a scumbag society with no morals.
New York State has ample tax evasion evidence, they are the ones to handle this job. That’s how they got Al Capone.
If America doesn’t see this happen he will set up shop someplace and just lie on tv 8 hours a day. That whole crazy Info-wars style insanity people seem to love so much.
Fortunately, he’s really lazy, but unfortunately, his kids and their spouses seem ready to go.
I just feel like his incarceration will make lying for a living less attractive. Call me a dreamer.