OK, at least you work in the traditional entertainment biz. I have been in the TV/film biz for 20+ years and have gotten a good laugh listening to the digi guys tell me “how it is” now. This transition is already further along than most people know. I’ll be brief as I can.
Disney+/Hulu/ESPN+ has already won. They have the deepest content bench, smartest CEO and BAM. They are so far ahead it’ll be years before anyone catches up. One of your mistakes in theories is you don’t lump TV and movies together. Disney has Star Wars and Marvel. And my big prediction, ….. Disney gets NFL Sunday Ticket. Or co pro’s it with Amazon. “We have Ironman, Han Solo and the New York Giants, what do you have?”. “Er….2 and a half men reruns”…
Netflix is a dumpster fire. They don’t promote content they make and the days of being the tv version of Apples EcoSystem are over. They also overspent. They’ll be fine for a while but the beginning of the US market share advantage is over.
HBO/ATT… Best TV show list and a great brand in HBO. But ATT has really poor leadership and sent $120+ billion on DIrect TV and WB. They’ve already lost a bunch of key personnel, and ATT leadership is out of their element. This won’t work even if they have the best shows.
Universal/Comcast. You have comcast cable? Does it work? Didn’t think so. But now that they have real competition I’m sure they’ll do a better job running the co. lol
Amazon, stays in the middle but is terrified Disney and Walmart work something out.
VAICOM would have been sold for parts already except the parts have little value.
Go to youtube and make a DYI tv antenna. Get Netflix and Disney (only cost $30/mo for the two) and make some popcorn. There is plenty of stuff to watch under that formula.