This will be short. Also, I am not a Dr., virologist, chemist, biologist, or work in the medical industry. But I have a guy. And that guy doesn’t want to have his life destroyed by being the one to say some of this, so I am going to. I fully support your saying I’m an idiot in the comments.
Stats per CNN as of Feb 14th, 2002
Cases in China — confirmed — 63,851
Deaths in China — confirmed — 1,380
That is what China is saying. You may not be aware, but China controls its media. So, every other professional medical organization assumes those numbers are wildly underestimated. Based on those #’s, the mortality rate is just around 2%.
By comparason.
Summary of probable SARS cases with onset of illness from Nov 1st 2002 to Jul 31st 2003 (per World health org.)
Total number of GLOBAL cases 8096.
Number of deaths — 774.
Mortality rate was just under 10% (9.5%).
However, WHO estimated the mortality rate closer to 13%-14% and makes the point, China lies.
So more people get it, but it’s not as deadly. What’s the big deal? “The flu was worse this year.” The flu #’s you hear are from the CDC not China. And I’ve seen reports from credible sources saying China could be reporting as low as 10% of the cases. Given that China is the home of 90% of the cases of both SARS and COVID, using the extreme, totally without scientific support, conjecturing you can extrapolate those numbers to:
SARS (adjusted for CHINA factor) 80,960
Over a year and a half.
COVID adjusted 638,510
And that’s in 2 months.
Again those are the highest crazy guess I could find from a professional.
Now the bad part.
My friend is on the CDC (I don’t know what to call it) preferred information list. He sees the reports the media does not.
Jan 13th, he said a few things to me. I had heard about the virus, but sorta ignored the doom and gloom. My friend said,
“Take this thing very, very seriously.” “For China to have reached out this quickly is terrifying to me.”
Maybe they are just evolving into a better global citizen?
“Maybe, but from what I understand, they are quarantining an entire province.” “Think of the US government quarantining Missouri and using the military to do it.”
“We expect viruses to affect the old and the young portion of the population, but a fit 30-year-old man has been confirmed dead from this.” “That doesn’t happen with the flu.”
“SARS had a fast incubation period, got sick within a day and a half (showed symptoms), and you were in a bed someplace not spreading it.” “This thing could have as much as a ten days incubation period where the host is contagious and a-symptomatic.” “With SARS, you needed contact with someone.” “This is airborne.” “So you are in line for a quick flight from LA to Phoenix, and someone behind you is breathing in your direction but towards your back.” “You give Jr. a piggyback ride when you get home from your trip; he goes to preschool the next day.” “Viola, not one symptom and conservative guesstament, 1st host, your family, and 30 children have had direct contact — minimum”.
I want to caution everyone about this last part because this was his adding things up. That being said, I Googled it, and the results are why I have written this.
“The snake ate a dog crap is BS.” “Google the Wuhan Institute of Bioengineering.”
And I did.
“We don’t have any idea what this thing really is, but I do know they have access to everything we do.”
Have a nice day.