Lord Dukes de Enfer
13 min readJan 21, 2022


Want to improve your overall happiness? Feed Mark Zuckerberg to a pack of wild dogs.

Disclosure: I am a registered independent and I hate and attack those who deserve it. If you want to see me go after the left read my Garcetti piece. This isn’t “pro left” or “pro right”, all my work is simply, GOOD vs. EVIL.



No one on Medium, (essentially no one reading this) is going to be blindsided by the information and opinions you are about to read. But I’m not sure everyone understands how key METAFACE has been in the most fucked up things that we have all endured since the media hijacking some years ago.

BOOKFACE (as well as the subsidiaries, InstaGram and What’s App) isn’t just a problem for anyone on the left, or who clearly sees the misinformation spewed out by FOX News, Breitbart, OAN etc, but for God-loving conservatives who now find themselves in a rabbit hole under layer after layer of validation to the misinformation.

A few years ago FOX NEWS had a slogan, “FAIR AND BALANCED”. It was the antithesis of both. They knew it, it was almost a joke. Except for your 70-year-old grandmother who has lived a life where American media had guardrails to drive it back to relative honesty, she was hardwired to trust what comes out of the TV.

When William Randolf Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer created the Spanish American War to sell newspapers with “Yellow Journalism”, they were the only option for information. Not only was there no Interweb, no TV News, but this was also pre-radio.

The advent of those mediums as well as telephones forced media to pursue a quest for TRUTH or face attacks by all of your rivals for the media death sentence of “inaccuracy”.

A conservative (not, “lying and gaslighting” conservative, but “not doing insane or dangerous shit”, CONSERVATIVE) approach to news and media became the standard. Few risks, multiple sources, getting something wrong was unthinkable. Detail minded men became leaders in the world of Journalism.

Your grandparents grew up watching the respect their parents showed men like Edward R Murrow, Walter Cronkite and Harry Reasoner. Then they followed the next generation with the same journalistic integrity. Anchor’s like Ted Koppel or Tom Brokaw.

So for every person reading this GRANDMA NANA and her older generation (baby boomers) they are already wired to trust what they see from major brand news outlets. Which is why FOX News and their Tucker Carlson-type misinformation is so effective.

It’s like the STAY PUFF Marshmellow Man from Ghostbusters. “Whatever you most trust is coming to kill you”. People with short hair and ties reading you ‘The News’ might as well be ‘God’s Word’.

When you combine that with the website that gives NANA pictures of her grandchildren and reconnects her with her high school boyfriend, seemingly normal people start believing Q is real.



I did an entire post explaining that “Cancel Culture” is not a real thing. “Cancel Culture” is what you call it when you don’t want to listen to someone’s crazy bullshit anymore.

The following are intentionally misleading statements and outright lies dispensed by FOX that have been picked up and added to by other satellite media (Breitbart, OAN, The Daily Caller etc) that someone in your family has believed:

Antifa AND the FBI instigated Jan 6th, The Protesters were peaceful, The FBI orchestrated the entire thing as misinformation

The Corona Virus is a left-wing media hoax

There is no scientific evidence to support climate change or global warming

BLM is a terrorist organiization

All Muslim’s are terrorists, hate America and want you to die

I’m still not even sure why these clowns started attacking Asians. I honestly don’t think most of them know Korea and Japan aren’t part of China.

I was going to put quotes, names and dates but U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil did me one better. In her dismissal of a 2020 slander suit brought by one of the women Trump paid off with campaign funds (illegal) against FOX and Tucker Carlson she said,

**NPR Sept. 2020***

The “‘general tenor’ of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not ‘stating actual facts’ about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in ‘exaggeration’ and ‘non-literal commentary.’ “

She wrote: “Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism’ about the statement he makes.”

So if you are a “reasonable viewer” you know Tucker and by extension Hannity, Ingraham etc. are full of shit. However, Dan Rather never “engaged in ‘exaggeration’ and ‘non-literal commentary.’ “

In 60% of their vaccination stories FOX NEWS undermined or made up outright false stories designed to undermine the vaccination efforts during the Spring and Summer of 2021.

OK, I’ve made my point, back to FRAUDBOOK.

In 2008 Obama outsmarted the McCain campaign by using targeted ads on Facebook. By “outsmarted” I mean “bought ads on”. Mostly how great he was, not how fucked up McCain was.

Then you had the Tea Party by the Koch’s and all the dirtbags and racists came out of their caves. 2010 elections were the flashpoint for the end of civilized society. Rand Paul, Scott Brown, Marco Rubio were the low lights of the 2010 midterms. And they came out firing.

The GOP made it a point to attack FACEBOOK for being “biased”. Which they weren’t, anyone could buy ads, the GOP was just more a ‘carbon paper’ and ‘smoke signals’ type group as opposed to email and text in those days.

But the new group of hypocritical shitbags was all the rage and had the floor. That group attacked FAKEBOOK for their “partisanship” and how they didn’t aggregate equal time to the GOP.

In fact, at that time they (FACLESSBOOK) were concerned about accuracy and honesty. But that all changed in 2011 when Joel Kaplan was hired as VP of General Public Policy.



Joel is either Patriot or a Scumbag — misinformation weasel. Depending on your point of view I suppose. The ‘misinformation weasel’ part isn’t really debatable.

Kaplan went to Harvard, was a Marine, then went to law school and finally clerked for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia before going into the workforce.


Not that it matters but he went from Harvard to the Marines (I assume the GI Bill) which is honorable. Nothing but respect for a young person seeking education then serving the country, it just feels odd since he says he was a democrat in the early 1990’s when he went in the service. I feel like the average Marine Corps barracks have roughly as many democrats as they do women. Which is to say, “none”.

******short rant******

Because I fact-check and research every word I print unlike my subject matter, I come across random interesting stuff like this article about what it’s like to be a female Marine, ladies, pick another branch..


*******end rant*****

After the Marines and Scalia (I’m pretty sure he wasn’t too liberal when he got the job with Scalia) he registered as a Republican and started working for the Bush 2000 campaign. Where he hit the ground running.

After losing the election the GOP sent an army of lawyers and staffers to Florida to stop the recount as they assumed they had a better chance in court than by winning with more votes.

An infamous event during that chaos was the BROOKS BROTHERS RIOTS where Bush staffers rioted to physically stop the recount. This event was organized by Roger Stone. Joel was there.

You have to assume the relationships he made during that event helped him to stand out among the other er…rioters.. as it kicked off a series of jobs in the Bush administration and ultimately ascended to Deputy Chief of Staff (replacing another POS, Karl Rove) in 2006. After his time in the white house, he took a job as a lobbyist with a Texas energy company.

At the time if you weren’t a “Politico” you may not have seen his resume as anything but impressive. Supreme Court Justice and The President are pretty solid bosses to have as references. But he didnt get the FB gig because he interviewed really well after finding it early on Craigslist. He was handpicked by the GOP because of the countermeasures experience with guys like Rove and Stone. Which also infers that he has little to no moral problems with immoral activities.

I believe FACEDOWNBOOK had roughly 3200ish employees in 2011. Most of them were on the FB campus, so it was a small town.

When Joel got there he began working to be as close to Mark as he possibly could. Understanding Zuck’s outsized control of the platform, Kaplen knows who to go to keep his party’s agenda flowing.

Props to him for essentially committing his life to become the GOP’s mole inside DASBOOK and Zuckerberg’s Karl Rove or Roger Stone. Self sacrifice is a big part of being a henchman.


(Highly recommend listening to this interview — amazing insight)

Alex Stamos (former CISO at FACEBOOK) said a few interesting things in a recent interview with OFFLINE w/Jon Favreau.

“If you are part of the lower 80% of the employees at Facebook, its like Carebearsland, free food, positive motivational posters etc, the upper 20% (C suites) is Game Of Thrones”.

“We had a team inside FACEBOOK whose job it was to keep governments happy so we could focus on making money”. “Problem is you can’t keep every ruling party happy”.

Something else Stamos said was about Mark not being a bad guy, but his bubble of people hasn’t changed since the IPO and their interests are not to change things. Similar to George Bush’s 8 years in office, Zuck is “in charge” with a small group that influences his decisions. And those voices don’t necessarily want things that help anyone other than them.

Stamos went on to discuss his theory of FB serving the current administrations and governments around the world. That it was a more bipartisan approach dictated by who won the last election, of course, in 2011 the democrats were in office and the Kaplan hire had no move to counterbalance.

FB had no counterbalances in 2011 and still doesn’t to this day.

Back to Kaplan

Kaplan kept in the shadows out of the gate. Keeping his voice very much out of public but also subtle internally. He felt the left-leaning staff may not appreciate his approach. Or, perhaps his being a tool brought it to circumvent reality was going to rub people wrong.

However, he also didn’t care what people in “Carebearland” thought about things, he was there to win the “Game of Thrones”.


Feb 22nd, 2021

“By 2014, he’d been promoted to vice president of global public policy. In that role, Kaplan oversaw the company’s government relations around the world as well as its content policy team. That arrangement raised eyebrows, as other companies, including Google and Twitter, typically keep public policy and lobbying efforts separate from teams that create and enforce content rules.”

By 2015 Kaplan was Zuck’s EGO telling him it’s “ok” to do terrible things.

More from BUZZFEED

“December 2015, following a Facebook post from Trump calling for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the US — the first of many that forced the company to grapple with the then candidate’s racist and sometimes violent rhetoric — Kaplan and other executives advised Facebook’s CEO to do nothing.”

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

-Edmond Burke

I guess Zuck left Harvard before they discussed that particular quote.

Kaplan’s real coming-out party was when he positioned himself behind Judge Kavanaugh at his infamous confirmation hearings. To anyone watching who knew who Kaplan was, it appeared Kaplan (and by extension FACEBOOK) was offering full support behind the (alleged) sexual assaulting, Country Club fee’s not paying, “I Like Beer” drinking, Supreme court nominated judge.

Which did not go over so well in Carebearland. The incident caused such a stir it prompted Kaplan to address the entire company via video conference about the incident. Reportedly, even some members of his team were upset by the appearance and support of the polarizing nominee.

At the giant digital townhall Kaplan faced angry workers who felt his positioning was intentional, he (of course) denied intentionally positioning himself to generate maximum attention to his support.

Kaplan is the head behind the really unhappy women
  • ***If you have ever seen a live TV camera everyone knows exactly what’s on screen. Even if someone as media savvy as Kaplan was “confused” as to his visibility, you get a 1,000 texts if you are on TV for a minute, let alone 6 hours.********

One member of his own team tearfully shared her own experience of abuse and displeasure at seeing his callousness. Of course, this did nothing to erode his standing with FB’s monster Zuck-enstein.



In 2019 “Zuck and Kap” (sounds more like a AM radio show than evil incarnate) went to the White House to visit then President Trump.


“In May, when Zuckerberg decided to not touch Trump’s “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” incitement during the George Floyd protests, workers became incensed. At a subsequent companywide meeting, one of the most upvoted questions from employees directly called Kaplan out. “Many people feel that Joel Kaplan has too much power over our decisions,” the question read, asking that the vice president explain his role and values.”

“Zuckerberg seemed irked by the question and disputed the notion that any one person could influence the “rigorous” process by which the company made decisions. Diversity, the CEO argued, means taking into account all political views.

“That basically asked whether Joel can be in this role, or can be doing this role, on the basis of the fact that he is a Republican … and I have to say that I find that line of questioning to be very troubling,” Zuckerberg said, ignoring the question. “If we want to actually do a good job of serving people, [we have to take] into account that there are different views on different things.””

One of the points Alex Stamos made in the previously mentioned interview was, “90% of the content monitoring at Facebook is done in English and Western European languages”.

When deflecting blame from the Myanmar genocide, that’s an important point. When discussing US political policy and Kaplan has an outsized influence, that’s a big problem.

He’s a VP at a social media website how much impact could he have?

Kaplan helped to disband the Civic Integrity Unit whose job it was to throttle misleading political posts.

He help end CORRECT THE RECORD a program designed to offer a correction to people who saw misleading political information.

But unto this point, Kaplan had swayed Zuckerberg to a ‘right lean’, hid a few stories, left a few to grow but nothing like what happened in 2019.



The Summer of 2019 the Strategic Response Team put together clips and examples of Alex Jones repeatedly violating the policies of FB. Racism, crazy conspiracies, misleading political nonsense, you know Alex Jones being Alex Jones. Hell, even Youtube banned him.

Per a team member in the Policy department:

The package was brought to leadership and Zuckerberg “just didn’t want to apply the rules of Facebook to Jones”. “Zuckerberg basically took the decision that he did not want to use this policy against Jones because he did not personally think he was a hate figure,”

This blatant disregard for HIS RULES (by him) made the teams responsible for stopping this type of hate speech reluctant to bring things to upper management. So from summer 2019 for almost a year, the supervision just shut down as far as political disinformation goes.

They didnt resume approaching management with problems or violations until August 2020. Although they were monitoring the 3%ers, The Oathkeepers and several other groups, the inaction when they broke the same rules Jones did, were left unchecked. To bring these groups up for breaking the same rules seemed pointless. That led to a de facto green light to organize any hate party you wanted.

Come to find out children, pets, and wild animals share a tendency with internet crazies and Neo-Nazis; once they realize no one is going to stop them they push the hell out of the envelope.

There was also another group that came to prominence during this period…


From Wikipedia

“Between March and June 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, QAnon activity nearly tripled on Facebook and nearly doubled on Instagram and Twitter”

Q’s first post was years old by the time it was allowed to explode on FB, but your Nana wasn’t on 8Chan looking for crocheting patterns, she found it where Mark Zuckerberg left it to fester and grow to malignancy.


“An internal investigation by Facebook has uncovered thousands of groups and pages, with millions of members and followers, that support the QAnon conspiracy theory, according to internal company documents reviewed by NBC News.”

Although August 2020 (amid intense criticism) things began to get back to normal (for FB, so grain of salt) the groups had been formed and mass migrations from Nana’s Q-Chat to DISCORD was in progress. And through the election, Trump’s bullshit and massive groups of lifeless weirdos were committed to a cause that rational people laughed at.

And it festered until Jan. 6th, 2021.

In conclusion

With great power comes great responsibility and Zuck has proven time and time again he can not be the dictator who controls the gateway to something this powerful. I’d love to throw it all on Kaplan, but he’s Tom Hagan, not Michael Corleone.

This is not some secret our elected officials are unaware of. But until they decide his lobbyist’s money is less important to them than Nana not living in Crazytown, Nana will be getting her mail at,



666 Batshit Crazy Ln

Pala Alto Ca



Lord Dukes de Enfer
Lord Dukes de Enfer

Written by Lord Dukes de Enfer

Shit is about to get real. Or I’m just going to complain a lot. "Medium is the new Penthouse Forum" - Ben Adler

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